Hey! Exciting news—this is our debut game release! To make your experience as smooth as possible, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) that will be featured on our website. Dive in to get all the juicy details and clear up any queries you might have. Happy gaming!


Q1: Can we mix and match the different Persona types (Green, Yellow, Red)?

A1: Although in the instructions we encourage "for the best game results that all players should match", if you do decide to mix and match, please be aware that there is a specific supply ratio per Persona type and this could lead to supply shortage.  If you decide to mix and match, when an item is checked off a bucket list, please go ahead and add the supplies back to the board in an adjacent region. 

Q2: In the Rules & Setup Guide it specifies you can trade supplies unlimited times, but what about returning and swapping unwanted supplies when at a destination during your turn?  Is this also unlimited?

A2: Yes, both swapping and returning unwanted supplies is unlimited when at a destination.